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January 14, 2020 Meeting


Call to order: Dean Sprague called the meeting to order at 6:42pm. There were 47 members present. Eric Jordan was the Event Chair for 8 years and has stepped down from the office. Dean presented a plaque to him for his service to the club. Safe Harbor sent a card in appreciation for all of items donated to them at our Christmas party. Betty Wright brought items left over from a Samaritan’s Purse event to donate to Safe Harbor.

Officer reports: 

  • VP—David Poe—Reminder that memberships are due. $25.00 and $36.00 with The Marque.
  • Treasurer – David Diener Current balance is $3,859.62.
  • Publications – Corky Guenther Corky is OK on articles for The Marque right now. He asked people however to write an article about the first car you ever owned and submit this to him. Corky has CVBMC business cards if anyone would like them to hand out for advertising the club.
  • Events – Randy Wright—Randy is our new events coordinator.
  • Web Master- Kathy Ahrendt Kathy talked about the service at the Christmas party. She discussed what needed to be improved with the Crown Plaza and the manager said things would improve next year. Kathy also mentioned that the spam problem with our website has now been taken care of.
  • Presentation of Charity Check to Safe Harbor—Jackie McKool, from Safe Harbor, attended our meeting to receive the $1000.00 check for Safe Harbor.

Jackie talked about Safe Harbor’s new building and what actually is provided for women at that facility. She encouraged us to let her know if we are aware of someone who would be interested in the program. Eric Jordan also reminded the club about the program to donate used cars to help the Safe Harbor program.

Old Business:   

Cars and Coffee—Atlanta Bread is closing so the Website or emails will let us know where the next event will take place.

Christmas Party Review: Kathy Ahrendt has previously mentioned the lack of quality service at the party. The raffles and silent auction went well this year.

New Business:

            New location for Cars and Coffee—Several places were suggested: Panera Bread, Snack Bar, Dunkin Donuts, and Tasteful Beans was suggested. Dean will let us know what is decided.

            Brainstorm Events Wishlist:

Mt Mitchell

SW Mountains/Waterfalls

Sierra Nevada Brewery, Asheville

Mt. Airy Sonker Trail

Joe Green outside movie

Picnic on the Parkway

Kings Mountain trip

Shafer won chocolates.

50/50 Drawing: 

            Club received $108.00 from raffle tickets. David Ault won $54.00. Gary Shafer won chocolates.

Good of the Order:

            Discussion of TD Joe Green purchased and Dean is working on.

            Bobby Cox discussed a car he is working on.

Adjourn—Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.